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Pop-up governance: Transforming the management of migrant populations through humanitarian and security practices in Lesbos, Greece, 2015–2017 Evie Papada , Anna Papoutsi , Joe Painter , Antonis Vradis , December 8, 2019, Environment and Planning D

“This paper intervenes in recent debates on humanitarianism and security in migration by introducing the notion of ‘pop-up governance’. It reflects on our two year-long fieldwork on Lesbos, Greece at the peak of Europe’s migrant reception crisis (2015–2017). We present recent developments in border and migration management in the EU and we position these within recent migration debates. We then present the two main facets guiding migrant reception and governance in Lesbos, namely humanitarianism and security. Through our interviews with humanitarian and security actors we show how top-level government decisions followed and resembled the flexibility and adaptability of humanitarian and security operations. We define this turn as ‘pop-up governance’, which comprises a practice-based, abruptly introduced and retractable set of governance mechanisms responding to the situation at hand. We argue that the seemingly disorganised management of migration actually bore hallmarks of a new, flexible and adaptable mode of governance. Finally, we show how ‘pop-up governance’ can help move beyond present understanding of governance based either on the rule or its exception. This has important implications for our comprehension of migration, humanitarianism, security and the governance of vulnerable populations and contemporary socio-political crises.”

Keywords :  Lesbos, hotspot, humanitarian border, pop-up governance, migration management

Sophie Hinger, An Interview with Charles Heller and Lorenzo Pezzani, Transformative Trajectories – The shifting Mediterranean Border Regime and the Challenges of Critical Knowledge Production,, 4 (1), 2018

Abstract : In 2011, the researcher and filmmaker Charles Heller and the architect Lorenzo Pezzani founded the Forensic Oceanography project to investigate the lethal effects of the militarized border regime and the politics of migration in the Mediterranean Sea. In collaboration with a wide network of non governmental organisations (NGOs), activist groups, researchers and journalists, they have produced various human rights reports as well as articles, maps, and videos that document and challenge the violence perpetrated against migrants at the EU’s maritime borders. In 2012, they contributed to found the online mapping and monitoring platform WatchTheMed, and in 2014, the Alarmphone, a hotline for migrants in distress at sea. Pezzani and Heller are affiliated with the Centre for Research Architecture at Goldsmiths, University of London. Sophie Hinger, research fellow at the IMIS (Osnabrück) and member of the Alarmphone, communicated with them via skype and e-mail between July 2017 and February 2018. Their exchange was concerning transformations of the Euro-Mediterranean border regime with a focus on the Central Mediterranean and the role of activist-researchers in this contested arena.

Keywords  : disobedient gaze, forensics, aesthetic regimes, humanitarian border, freedom of movement, genealogies of mobility and control

Lire la suite :   (Creative Commons Lizenz )–transformative-trajectories-the-shifting-mediterranean-border-regime-and-the-challenges-of-critical-knowledge-production-charles-heller-lorenzo-pezzani.html

illustration@Stéphanie Bonnefille, programme Médimurs, Cimetière des bâteaux, Lampedusa, 2014

Nanjala Nyabola, Check your passport privilege, New Internationalist, 4 July 2019

“I’ve recently been travelling around the world to promote my book, which has led to a few routine collisions with the concept of passport privilege. For the untutored, passport privilege is basically the benefits that a person gets in foreign countries because of their citizenship. These range from the predictable – visa on arrival versus having to apply three months in advance – to the unpredictable: preferential treatment from law enforcement officials


My British friends, who easily pick up their Kenyan visas on arrival, are often incredulously surprised that for a UK visa, I have to submit a 10-year travel history, three months of notarized bank statements and health documentation, and submit to other invasive procedures. There is an unspoken hierarchy of passports out there, and those of us with ‘weak’ passports are keenly aware of it.”  (…)


Lire la suite :

illustration @Lisa Ritaine, Sculpture de Folon, Giardino delle Rose, Firenze, avec son accord

Corps migrants aux frontières méditerranéennes de l’Europe, Critique internationale, 2019/2 (83)

“La dangerosité croissante des parcours migratoires est étroitement liée au « régime des frontières » mis en place par l’Union européenne et les États depuis une vingtaine d’années. En 2018, le nombre d’arrivées de migrants par la mer Méditerranée a diminué mais le taux de mortalité n’a cessé d’augmenter. Ce dossier traite des conséquences de la mort par migration. Caractérisées par la diversité de leurs ancrages disciplinaires et par leur richesse empirique en termes de lieux et de méthodes, les contributions réunies ici décrivent les conditions dans lesquelles s’exerce la violence frontalière dans l’espace maritime Méditerranée, les mobilisations des proches des morts et disparus (compagnons d’infortune, familles, pêcheurs), les enjeux de l’identification et de la reconstitution des histoires et pratiques d’inhumation ainsi que les facteurs économiques sous-jacents à la politique mortuaire. En révélant les mises en récit et les symboles produits autour de la question des corps de migrants morts ou disparus aux frontières de la Méditerranée, ce dossier s’inscrit résolument dans un courant critique des sciences sociales.” (présentation éd.)






Illustration@Stéphanie Bonnefille (programme Médimurs), Cimetière des bateaux, Lampedusa, 2014