Archives de catégorie : ILES Méd.

Pop-up governance: Transforming the management of migrant populations through humanitarian and security practices in Lesbos, Greece, 2015–2017 Evie Papada , Anna Papoutsi , Joe Painter , Antonis Vradis , December 8, 2019, Environment and Planning D

“This paper intervenes in recent debates on humanitarianism and security in migration by introducing the notion of ‘pop-up governance’. It reflects on our two year-long fieldwork on Lesbos, Greece at the peak of Europe’s migrant reception crisis (2015–2017). We present recent developments in border and migration management in the EU and we position these within recent migration debates. We then present the two main facets guiding migrant reception and governance in Lesbos, namely humanitarianism and security. Through our interviews with humanitarian and security actors we show how top-level government decisions followed and resembled the flexibility and adaptability of humanitarian and security operations. We define this turn as ‘pop-up governance’, which comprises a practice-based, abruptly introduced and retractable set of governance mechanisms responding to the situation at hand. We argue that the seemingly disorganised management of migration actually bore hallmarks of a new, flexible and adaptable mode of governance. Finally, we show how ‘pop-up governance’ can help move beyond present understanding of governance based either on the rule or its exception. This has important implications for our comprehension of migration, humanitarianism, security and the governance of vulnerable populations and contemporary socio-political crises.”

Keywords :  Lesbos, hotspot, humanitarian border, pop-up governance, migration management

Silvan Pollozek, Jan Hendrik Passoth, Infrastructuring European migration and border control: The logistics of registration and identification at Moria hotspot, Environment and Planning D, March 19, 2019

online :

“This paper examines Moria hotspot in Greece as a logistical site which fulfills two different functions within the European migration and border regime. It locates, contains, and sorts individuals locally at the external borders of the EU and creates, inserts, and processes data for controlling people on the move. Based on ethnographic fieldwork in Greece, including interviews with local administrators from the Registration and Identification Service, Médecins du Monde, Frontex and Hellenic Police and a collection of internal and publicly available planning, policy, and management documents and handbooks, the paper scrutinizes how both the movement of migrants and data is organized at the site. By developing an analytic lens of logistics, it outlines a specific mode of infrastructuring which aligns staff from different organizations with databases, devices, and migrants all in one place and organizes mundane practices such as filling out forms, taking fingerprints, signing, and entering datasets along a chain. That way the hotspot is able to locate, sort, and detain those who arrive at the hardened EU border and to create a data infrastructure for controlling, monitoring, and governing further movement by processing data through the bureaucratic channels of the EU’s transnational control assemblages.”

Keywords : Actor-Network Theory, border, control, data, infrastructure, logistics, migration.

illustration : Laurence Pillant (programme Médimurs), Lesbos 2011

Alessandra Ziniti, Lampedusa, nel museo dedicato ai migranti una stanza per rivivere i naufragi,, 06/08/2018

“È la nuova iniziativa del Comitato 3 ottobre. Attraverso un percorso segnato dagli oggetti ritrovati in mare, si arriva a una sala con salvagente appesi alle pareti e una finestra sul mare. Spente le luci, vengono proiettate le dure immagini delle traversate per coinvolgere i visitatori nel racconto” (…)

illustration : Museo della fiducia e del dialogo per il Mediterraneo, Lampedusa

Alessandra Ziniti, Migranti, i tunisini riscoprono Lampedusa. Tredici sbarchi in 48 ore, Salvini: ” Verranno rimandati a casa”,, 03/08/2018

“Si riaprono le rotte alternative a quella libica. Open Arms, con 87 a bordo, resta in zona Sar. Sea Watch protesta: “La nostra barca sequestrata da un mese a Malta senza motivo.

A piccoli gruppi, ma in Italia si continua a sbarcare. Di nuovo a Lampedusa, nel Siracusano, in Calabria, in Sardegna, al ritmo di almeno 100 persone al giorno su rotte giudicate minori e fino ad ora trascurate dalle attenzioni del ministro dell’Interno. (…)

Lampedusa, ma anche la Sicilia meridionale, soprattutto nella costa del Siracusano, la Calabria e la Sardegna. Ogni giorno, bucando quella che dovrebbe essere la rete di controllo in mare del dispositivo militare, sono almeno 100-150 i migranti che riescono a sbarcare sulle nostre corte. Un forte incentivo sembra aver avuto la tratta dalla Turchia sui velieri che portano migranti dalle buone capacità economiche che pagano 5000 euro a testa per viaggi gestiti dagli scafisti ucraini”  (…)

Jérôme Gautheret, L’Italie, seule dans la tempête migratoire,, 23.02.2018

“Sur les 600 000 migrants arrivés en Italie, la plupart ont traversé la Méditerranée. Des milliers d’autres y ont péri. L’île de Lampedusa, avant-poste de l’accueil, est débordée par cette crise humanitaire étroitement liée au chaos sévissant en Libye.

(…)  L’Italie prise au piège

Pour Rome, les chiffres des secours en mer sont bien sûr préoccupants. Mais ils ne disent pas tout du problème. L’essentiel est ailleurs : depuis la fin de 2013, les pays limitrophes de l’Italie (France et Autriche) ont rétabli les contrôles à leurs frontières.

Là où, jusqu’alors, l’écrasante majorité des migrants empruntant la route de la Méditerranée centrale ne faisaient que traverser le pays en direction du nord de l’Europe, ils se trouvent désormais bloqués sur le sol italien, provoquant en quelques années l’engorgement de toutes les structures d’accueil. Et les appels répétés à la solidarité européenne se heurtent à l’indifférence des partenaires de l’Italie, qui eux-mêmes doivent composer avec leurs opinions publiques, devenues très hostiles aux migrants.

Considéré jusque-là comme un impératif moral par une large part de la population, l’accueil des demandeurs d’asile est l’objet de critiques croissantes. En 2015, en marge du scandale « Mafia capitale », qui secoue l’administration de la commune de Rome, l’Italie découvre que plusieurs coopératives chargées de nourrir et d’héberger les migrants se sont indûment enrichies. S’installe dans les esprits une idée dévastatrice : l’accueil des réfugiés est un « business » juteux plus qu’une œuvre humanitaire.” (…)

Illustration @ S. Bonnefille, Lampedusa, 2014, programme Medimurs