Archives de catégorie : Cabinet de curiosités

En travaillant sur les murs, nous trouvons parfois des informations étranges, loufoques, surprenantes… Nous avons choisi de les partager dans ce cabinet de curiosités.

To play or not to play…in Melilla



African migrants look down on white-clad golfers in viral photo,, 23/10/2014

 “Realities clash as campaigner captures image of asylum seekers stuck on razorwire fence above elite club on Morocco-Melilla border.

 Behind them lay the makeshift campgrounds where they had spent months living rough, waiting for the right moment to climb the six-metre, razorwire fence lying between them and their dream of making it to Europe. In front of them lay an immaculately groomed golf course complete with white-clad golfers teeing off.

 The two radically different realities, just metres apart, was what greeted a dozen or so migrants caught on the triple fence that marks the border between Spain’s north African enclave of Melilla and Morocco on Wednesday. After 200 had tried to scale the fence, Spain’s interior ministry said 20 people had made it to the enclave and another 70 remained perched on top of the fence for several hours.

 The photo was taken by José Palazón, of the migrant rights group Pro.De.In Melilla, after he noticed that some of the migrants had got caught on the fence in the area overlooking the golf course.

 “It seemed like a good moment to take a photo that was a bit more symbolic. The photo reflects the situation really well – the differences that exist here and all the ugliness that is happening here,” he told El País newspaper.”   (…)

Credit : Reuters, ibidem

Border militia confronts bat researchers, Jonathan Clark,, 02/09/2014


 “A group of heavily armed militiamen confronted a team of scientists who had been studying bats in a cave near Sonoita last week, apparently mistaking them for illegal border-crossers or drug-smugglers.

 No one was hurt during the late-night encounter in the GardnerCanyon area, but the incident highlights the potential for trouble when citizens take up arms in hopes of defending the U.S.-Mexico border.

 U.S. Customs and Border Protection “does not endorse or support any private group or organization to take border security matters into their own hands as it could have disastrous personal and public safety consequences” the agency said in a statement.

 The confrontation near Sonoita began at approximately 11 p.m. on Aug. 23, according to a report given by one of the scientists to a Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s deputy. The team of three researchers had been counting bats in OnyxCave, and as they began walking back to their campsite near Gardner Canyon Road, they were flashed with a spotlight by a group of men.

 The men reportedly began shouting at the scientists in Spanish, and identified themselves as a militia group protecting the U.S.-Mexico border. The scientists identified themselves and continued to walk to their campsite “while seeking cover,” according to the deputy’s report.” (…)


Crédit photo :


Recuerdos, Ronald Rael and Virginia San Fratello, Boom, Spring 2014, 4, 1

cemetery_wall-590x392” Since 2000, we have been traveling along the United States–Mexico border, collecting memories and stories of the places and people we have met, and documenting a series of scenarios, real and imagined, along the border wall.

 (…) This Grand Borderlands Tour traces the consequences of a security infrastructure that stands both conceptually and physically perpendicular to human mobility. The artifacts that Grand Tourists would return home with—art, books, pictures, sculpture—became symbols of wealth and freedom. Our border wall has become a barrier to movement that would create art, books, pictures, sculpture, wealth, freedom.

 On this journey, our collected experiences are represented in the form of snow globes: souvenirs, or recuerdos—a Spanish term that defines both the trinkets one might purchase at tourist shops and memories.” (…)


“Since 2000, Partners Ronald Rael and Virginia San Fratello have been traveling along the U.S. Mexico border, collecting memories and stories of the places and people they have met and encountered. …

 Recuerdos (Souvenirs) is a journey documenting a series of scenarios, real and imagined, along the U.S.-Mexico Border Wall. It is a story that must be told, for it is an account of the largest construction project in 21st century Usonia. Almost exactly the distance of the Grand Tour, the migratory route for upper-class European men that went from London to Rome, this journey stretches along the southern border for 1,931 miles. This Nuevo Grand Tour traces the consequences of a security infrastructure that stands both conceptually and physically perpendicular to human migration. Whereas the artifacts Grand Tourists would return with (art, books, pictures, sculpture) became symbols of wealth and freedom, the border wall is a preventative measure against Grand Tourists from the south.

 On this journey, the collected experiences are accounted for in the form of stories, drawings, images, postcards, key chains and snow globes: souvenirs, or recuerdos—a Spanish term that defines both the trinkets one might purchase at tourist shops, and memories—in this case declarative memory that is both semantic (independent of context) and episodic (particular to context). The recuerdos gathered are tragic, sublime and absurd, occasionally hyperbolized, but in all cases based on real experiences and events existing in the liminal space that defines the southern boundary of the United States.”

All images :  Rael San Fratello :

1- Border  Wall Cemetery

2- Moleskine Memories

3- Border Wall Volleyball Net :

See also : “¡Viva Border Volleyball!…”,




Que feriez-vous si vous étiez une mère de famille syrienne contrainte de fuir son pays…?, newsgame, The Guardian

“Que feriez-vous si vous étiez une mère de famille syrienne contrainte de fuir son pays, comme les 2 millions de Syriens réfugiés qu’a recensé l’ONU? «Pourriez-vous pénétrer la Forteresse Europe» à la recherche d’un abri sûr pour vous et vos deux enfants? C’est ce que The Guardian vous propose de tenter dans une courte fiction interactive ludique, mise en ligne le 14 janvier, et qui permet de comprendre de façon bien plus concrète les enjeux auxquels font face les Syriens qui fuient le conflit (Harriet Grant and John Domokos).

Le but du jeu : atteindre l’Europe. Pour cela, il faut choisir ce qui vous paraît être le meilleur chemin, et vous n’avez pas l’embarras du choix. À chaque étape, le jeu vous donne des informations sur la situation actuelle des réfugiés syriens, souvent synonymes de mauvaises nouvelles pour vous, pouvant vous contraindre à rebrousser chemin. Atteindre l’Europe sera difficile, mais survivre dignement à l’exil, encore plus.

Pour accéder au jeu vidéo : cliquez-ici

Source : Slate, le 04 février 2014

En Amérique latine, les murs parlent d’amour, Léonore Stangherlin (Monde Académie), le, 31/10/2013


« Tambien de este lado hay sueños » (De ce côté-là aussi, il y a des rêves), écrit à Tijuana, la plus grande ville de l’Etat mexicain de Basse-Caroline, du côté mexicain de la frontière avec les Etats Unis. @ Accion poetica .


Des murs peints en blanc et quelques mots en noir, dont la poésie surprend au milieu du paysage urbain d’une vingtaine de pays latino-américains. Une seule signature : Accion poetica.

“Lorsqu’il a lancé Accion poetica, à Monterrey (nord-est du Mexique), l’écrivain Armando Alanis Pulido ne se doutait pas que ce mouvement essaimerait, en dix-sept ans, dans toute l’Amérique latine et en Europe. A l’origine de son initiative, un constat – « le déclin de la littérature et de la poésie » – et une statistique  : en  1996, les Mexicains ne lisaient plus qu’un livre par année en moyenne.

Mais comment réhabiliter l’écrit et la poésie locale ? Mario Murgia Elizalde, professeur à l’Université nationale autonome de Mexico (UNAM), avance que le principal obstacle entre le peuple et la poésie est l’idée préconçue que cette dernière est opaque, difficile à lire et à comprendre. En réaction, l’idée d’Armando Alanis avec Accion poetica était de “fondre la poésie dans le paysage urbain de manière à ce qu’elle interpelle les passants et provoque la réflexion”. “Nous cherchons à peindre des phrases courtes- si possible pas plus de dix mots- qui puissent parler à tous en transmettant des messages positifs. Pas de politique. Pas de religion », précise-t-il.” (…)

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