Archives de catégorie : Appels à publication

Appel à articles : Iles et frontières dans le nouveau système migratoire européen


Iles et frontières dans le nouveau système migratoire européen /

Islands and borders in the new European migratory system

Appel à articles pour

L’Espace Politique,

journal en ligne de Géographie Politique et Géopolitique, pour publication dans le 2014/2 (vol.24)

Call for papers to be submitted to

L’Espace Politique,

online Political Geography and Geopolitics Journal, for publication in its 2014/2 issue (n°24).

Les propositions d’article de 45 000 caractères maximum, notes, bibliographie et illustrations inclus, doivent être envoyés avant le 31 Décembre 2013 aux deux directrices du numéro :

Proposals of articles of up to 45,000 characters, with footnotes, bibliography and illustrations included, should be sent by e-mail before December 31, 2013, to the two guest editors of this issue :

Nathalie Bernardie-Tahir, Geolab, Université deLimoges,

Camille Schmoll, Géographie-cités, Université Paris Diderot,


Call for chapters: Migration by Boat: theories, politics, and memories


Crédit photographique : Sculpture de Folon “Partir“, Giardino delle rose, Firenze, Italia, photo  Lisa Ritaine, juin 2012.

Migration by Boat: theories, politics, and memories – EDITED Collection

Seeking original chapters for a collection tentatively titled, Migration by Boat: theories, politics, and memories, which will explore ocean travel undertaken by refugees, asylum seekers and illegal immigrants as a space and place where cultures intersect, and national boundaries and identities are reshaped, both in painful and creative ways. Migration by boat can symbolically be aligned with notions of deterritorialization that often support fears, yet also allow for renegotiations of identity, memory and feelings.

Contributions from a multidisciplinary cohort are welcome. Authors are encouraged to submit provocative original writing (conceptual, empirical or theoretical) that emphasize how migration by boat is remembered and represented; effects individual and social or cultural identity; and challenges or reinforces cultural or social structures.

Deadline for abstracts of 500-750 words, together with a short CV including contact details, and one example of previously published work in a relevant field is September 30, 2013.

Unregulated movements of people via ocean voyages are often viewed as threatening to the solidarity of the national spaces that they arrive in, so much so that these arrivals have the power to wash away humanitarian sentiments. Increasingly, scholars are attempting to understand how “transnational flows of people, media and commodities” (Escobar 2001) can be viewed outside of standard dualistic terms and away from clear-cut juxtapositions of citizen/stranger, land/water, and victim/threat. Symbolically, boats can be viewed as spaces and places where hopes and fears along with “poetics and politics are mobilized” (Perera 2013). In this context, boats carrying asylum seekers, refugees, and illegal immigrants not only move people and cultural capital between places, but also fuel cultural fantasies, dreams of adventure and hope, along with fears of invasion and terrorism. Oceanic voyages also represent liminal periods were human beings are “betwixt and between” (Turner 1969) real lives and national identities, nevertheless, communities are formed and relationships are fostered while en route.

Possible themes (not a restrictive list) might include:

·         How are arrivals of asylum seekers by boat represented in media portrayals, visually or discursively?

·         Symbolic and emotional elements related to migration by boat.

·         Rethinking place and space in relation to bodies of water.

·         The effects of migration by boat on identity in relation to gender, race, class, etc.

·         Narratives and memories related to forced migration and travel by boat?

·         The “boat” as saviour/home/refuge, and conversely, the “boat” as traumatic experience.

·         How have representations of migrations by boat shifted with the digital revolution?

·         Have representations of migrations by boat changed in the era of globalization?

·         How can the elusive nature of travel by boat be compared to, or juxtaposed the elusive nature of memory.

·         Trauma and migration through ocean passages. How is this narrated, visualized and politicized?

·         The intersections of identity, nation, citizenship and ocean travel.

·         Travel by boat as a mediator of personal, social and/or cultural transformation, in both modern and historical contexts.

·         Representations of migration by boat in popular culture, movies, literature, art, performances etc.

Chapter Details:

Chapters should be written in English and should not have been previously been published. Each final chapter will be between 6,000-7500 words (including references). Images are welcome. However, authors will be responsible for obtaining all rights for the publication of photographs etc. as well as research interviews that were undertaken (forms will be provided later).


September 30, 2013: Send abstracts of 500-750 words, together with a short CV including contact details, and one example of previously published work in a relevant field.

December 15, 2013: Acceptance letters will be sent to authors.

May 30, 2014: Submission of chapters.

Please submit all expressions of interest and abstracts/CVs to

Preferably with the subject line: Migration by Boat

About the Author:

Dr. Lynda Mannik is a Visiting Assistant Professor in cultural anthropology at TrentUniversity. She recently published Photography, Memory and Refugee Identity: the voyage of the S.S. Walnut, 1948 with the University of British Columbia Press. Through memories and photographs it explores the experiences of Estonian refugees, who migrated from Sweden to Canada in search of a safe haven after Stalin occupied their homeland. Their 32-day voyage across the Atlantic is central to understanding how identity and memories shift in conjunction with the in-between spaces that are created through forced migration and across geographical spaces. Mannik has also co-edited a volume titled, Reclaiming Canadian Bodies: Representation and Visual Media, which looks at how representations of Canadian bodies are constructed and performed within the context of visual and discursive mediated content (Wilfrid Laurier Press, 2014). Her chapter compares two photographic portrayals in the Canadian press, the arrival of the Walnut in 1948 and the arrival of the Amelie in 1987, to demonstrate how refugees’ bodies are used to visually promote timely state ideologies, and also to establish and control types of ‘ethnic others’ that are granted inclusion. Mannik is also the author of Canadian Indian Cowboys in Australia: Representation, Rodeo and the RCMP at the Royal Easter Show, 1939 (University of Calgary Press, 2006) and has published in Visual Studies, and Memory Studies.

Appel à projet : AntiAtlas des frontières, Marseille 2013-2014


Dans le cadre de la manifestation L’antiAtlas des frontières, un appel à projet est lancé pour une exposition à La compagnie, lieu de création à Marseille, du 13 décembre 2013 au 1er mars 2014.

La commissaire d’exposition, le comité scientifique et artistique sont à la recherche d’œuvres diverses (, photos, vidéos, témoignages, documentaires, jeux vidéo, …) qui rendent compte d’un vécu et d’une expérience directe des frontières. Elles pourront être produites par des migrants, des professionnels, des artistes ou d’autres personnes ayant eu une expérience directe des traversées de frontières.

L’antiAtlas des frontières est une manifestation transdisciplinaire qui se tiendra du 30 septembre 2013 au 1er mars 2014. Au croisement de la recherche et de l’art, elle dépasse la cartographie pour proposer une approche inédite des mutations des frontières et de leur vécu au XXIème siècle.

Aboutissement d’un projet de recherche transdisciplinaire lancé en 2011 à l’IMéRA (Institut Méditerranéen de Recherches Avancées), elle réunit des artistes, chercheurs en sciences humaines, chercheurs en sciences dures et professionnels, elle a pour objectif d’opérer un décloisonnement entre les champs de la connaissance.Cette manifestation s’appuiera sur 5 supports :
(1) un colloque international ouvert aux chercheurs, aux artistes, aux institutionnels, et au grand public à la Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme d’Aix en Provence, du 30 septembre au 2 octobre 2013
(2) une première exposition art/science au Musée des Tapisseries d’Aix en Provence du 1er octobre au 3 novembre 2013
(3) une seconde exposition art/science à La Compagnie, lieu de création à Marseille, du 13 décembre 2013 au 1er mars 2014
(4) une documentation web qui complétera les expositions et les pérennisera
(5) une édition papier prévue pour 2014.
Date de lancement de l’appel à projet : 7 mai 2013

Date limite de réception des oeuvres : 30 juin 2013

Date de sélection des oeuvres par le comité scientifique et artistique : 31 juillet 2013


Lire la suite :

Crédit photo :

Call for Abstracts (review) : The Governance of Border Security in Practice

Call for Abstracts

Security Dialogue special issue

The Governance of Border Security in Practice


Guest editors, Karine Côté-Boucher, Federica Infantino, Mark B. Salter

To bring more focus to the myriad of social, political and economic actors involved in the governance of border security, we invite contributions that shed ethnographic light on the social practices and professional routines of the power-brokers involved in the securing of border mobilities in liberal democracies. By paying attention to the everyday and local exercise of sovereignty in border security policies implemented by state as well as non-state actors the special issue aims to produce new analytical perspectives on the management of borders in an age of global mobility of commodities, ideas, and people.

This special issue will explore the way borders are socially negotiated by the multiple actors appointed to implement border security. It will examine how competing fields, discourses and rationalities of governing intersect with the everyday practices of the bureaucratic and professional actors involved in the management of border security on different scales (local, regional, national, global), including in supranational organizations, non-state organizations, private companies, as well as national and local bureaucracies. Contributions may cover actors as wide-ranging as security professionals, national migration bureaucrats, NGOs, border guards, customs officers, drug enforcement teams, global customs and migration institutions, global policing agencies, private migration and security agencies. Because borders are diffuse, contributions that focus on security practices that do not only occur at the edges of states, through remote control strategies, within the state through naturalization tests, citizenship processes etc., as well as at the entry points of the territory (ports, airports, lands) are welcome.

The issue is in particular interested in papers based on ethnographic fieldwork and interview materials that illuminate dimensions which might remain obscure from an institutional perspective.

In this sense, ethnography is not merely understood as a ground-level research method but as a broad sensibility adding value to the study of power and politics.

Potential research questions include:

• What are the everyday practices of power brokers in border spaces (tasks, roles, tactics, strategies, work routines)?

• What resources (technologies, infrastructures, training, enforcement tools, policies) does border governance use? On which legal powers do it rely?

• How do implementing actors make use of their discretion? How accountable are they and to whom?

• How do border security actors interact with those who cross or are located within borders? How do they cooperate and struggle with other agencies intervening in border spaces? Which kinds of networks, social relations and social capital do they foster?

• What types of classifications of security, risk, mobilities, social hierarchies, commodities, objects and human beings permeate their practices?

• How do micro and meso-level bordering practices dovetail with, shape, dispute or transform border security discourses, rationalities, processes and institutions?

Abstracts (max 500 words) should be submitted to    by 17 March 2013.

(Deadline for first full drafts of accepted abstracts will be 1 June 2013)

Call for papers : les frontières et la mobilité en Méditerranée dans le sillage du Printemps Arabe

Call for papers (ouvrage collectif) relatif aux frontières et à la mobilité en Méditerranée dans le sillage du Printemps Arabe.


Hassan BOUSETTA, Laure-Anne BERNES et Caroline ZICKGRAF Université de Liège (Ulg) Centre d’Etudes de l’Ethnicité et des Migrations (CEDEM) Bâtiment 31 – Boîte 45 – 7, Boulevard du Rectorat,


Call for Papers Borders Western Mediterranean (2)