23, 24, 25 novembre 2010, Jérusalem, organisé par Consulat général de France à Jérusalem, Al-Quds University
Symposium program
Tuesday 23 November
Ecole Biblique et Archéologique Française de Jérusalem
16:30 : Opening speeches by Mr. Frédéric Desagneaux, Consul Général of France and Dr. Zaid Zeedani, Vice-President for academic affairs of Al-Quds University
17:00-19:00 Walls of separation in a global perspective
Evelyne Ritaine (SPIRIT/Bordeaux University)
From one wall to numerous walls in a globalized world : a comparative politics approach
Saskia Sassen (Columbia University)
Title to be announced
Wednesday 24 November
Al-Quds – Bard Honors College – main auditorium
9:30-12:30 Space, planning and rights in Jerusalem
Omar Yousef (Al Quds Centre for Jerusalem Studies)
Dilemmas in planning in Jerusalem
Senan Abdelqader (Architect)
Architecture of (in)dependency. Urban planning in the suburban context of East-Jerusalem
Coffee break
Alessandro Petti (Al-Quds – Bard Honors College)
Decolonizing architecture
Sandi Hilal (UNRWA)
Voids of refugee camps
Discussant : Thomas Keenan (Bard College, New York)
14:00-17:00 Territorial regimes and politics
Jean François Legrain (GREMMO/Lyon 2 University)
The political party as a means to by-pass local solidarities
Stephanie Latte Abdallah (IREMAM/Provence University)
Inside/outside. Living and acting on political incarceration after Oslo
Coffee break
Nasser Abourahme (UNRWA)
Spatial collisions and discordant temporalities : everyday life in-between a camp and a checkpoint
Discussants : Laurent Bonnefoy (Institut Français du Proche-Orient), Robert Weston (Al-Quds – Bard Honors College)
Thursday 25 November
Al-Quds – Bard Honors College – main auditorium
9:30-12:30 Trafficking and border economy
Cédric Parizot (IREMAM/Provence University) and Basel Natsheh (Hebron University)
Smuggling and the economy of separation between Israel and the West Bank (2007 – 2010)
Véronique Bontemps (Institut Français du Proche-Orient/IRD/URMIS)
Palestinian work in Israel : between extreme coercion and individual choice
Coffee break
Arnaud Garcette (IREMAM/Provence University)
Olive trees beyond the wall : the socio-economic impact of the Israeli politics of separation on thePalestinian olive oil industry (1993 – 2010)
Discussant : Karine Bennafla (GREMMO/Lyon 2 University)
14:00-17:00 Territory fragmentation and the law
Moussa Abou Ramadan (Carmel Academic Center)
Territory fragmentation and adaptation in the Shari’a Courts in Jerusalem
Emilio Dabed (IREMAM/Provence University) _ A constitution for a non State : Understanding Palestinian politics through the law
Coffee break
Asem Khalil (Birzeit University)
Disintegrating and reconstituting Palestine : The powerful strength of law
Discussant : Raed Bader (Birzeit University)
17:15-18:00 Conclusions
Lieven de Cauter (Leuven University)
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
ENIGMUR (17 novembre 2010). International symposium / In the shadow of separation : territorial regimes and new socio-economic practices. ENIGMUR. Consulté le 6 décembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/oeic