Archives de catégorie : Iconothèque

Slovaquie : un mur pour s’isoler des Roms (

Dans l’Est de la Slovaquie, la plupart des Roms ont été chassés des centres-villes et vivent à la périphérie, dans des quartiers surpeuplés. Mais là aussi, ils « dérangent » leurs voisins. Plusieurs communes ont donc décidé d’ériger de grands murs pour éviter tout contact.


Atelier de cartographie de Sciences Po

Collecte, comparaison et traitement des données, représentation spatiale des phénomènes sociaux, plus particulièrement des processus de mondialisation (c’est-à-dire les flux d’échange et les réseaux) et sémiologie graphique sont  les spécialités de l’atelier de cartographie de Sciences Po.

L’équipe accompagne également les chercheurs et doctorants dans la représentation graphique de leurs corpus de données issues des terrains de recherche et de leurs enquêtes dans les domaines des relations internationales, des sciences politiques ou de l’histoire.

La cartothèque de la Documentation française

Plus de 700 cartes à disposition des étudiants, enseignants, chercheurs en géographie, relations internationales, histoire, sciences-politiques…

* des cartes à différentes échelles, des plus locales aux planétaires,

* différents niveaux d’analyse, découpages administratifs et des frontières, documents de synthèse géopolitique,

* tous les grands sujets de l’actualité française et internationale.

Contested Spaces Video Project / Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Sydney

This project presents an archive of ten minute video talks by academics, journalists and United Nations personnel on territorial and identity issues around the world.

The project is headed by Simon James, audiovisual producer and archivist for Forced Migration Online at Oxford University and is coordinator of Talking Borders, an online audio talks archive on boundary issues held at the Centre for International Borders Research, Queen’s University Belfast

en voici une sélection (accès à toutes les vidéos ici) :

Across the Border: Uyghurs in Kazakhstan (December 2009)

Silk Road to Guantanamo: The Story of Adel Hakimjan (September 2009)

West Bank Stories: Palestinians in Bethlehem (December 2007)

Chishima: Frontiers of the San Francisco Treaty in Hokkaido (September 2006)

Talking Borders Audio Archive / Centre for international borders research

This is a collection of 20 audio recordings of specialists commenting on border issues around the world. These recordings were produced by S L James for the Centre for International Borders Research, Queen’s University Belfast between 2005-2008.

The Centre for International Borders Research (CIBR) is an interdisciplinary centre for empirical, comparative and theoretical study of international borders and border regions. Based at Queen’s University Belfast, it builds on Northern Ireland’s advantages for border study and the research interests of a core group of academic staff. It has links with the Centre for Spatial Territorial Analysis and Research (C-STAR) at the School of Geography, and complements and co-operates with the Centre for Cross Border Studies which promotes policy-related research on cross border co-operation on the island of Ireland from its base in Armagh. CIBR is also in the process of forging links with other research institutions internationally, most recently with the Association of Borderlands Studies (ABS) with whom it maintains an extensive bibliography on borders.


Abkhazia: The disputed territory of Abkhazia and historical and contemporary relations with Georgia.
Talk by Dr Christian A. Nielsen, Associate Professor, University of Aarhus, Denmark, October 2008.

Basque Country: Identity and Status within
Talk by Professor Jan Mansvelt Beck, University of Amsterdam, July 2007.

Bolivia: The history of the conflict
Talk by Dr Bruce Farcau, September 2007
Note on narrator: Dr Bruce Farcau, has been an officer in the U.S. Foreign Service for nearly 20 years and has served at posts throughout Latin America and Western Europe. He is author of The Ten Cents War: Chile, Peru and Bolivia in the War of the Pacific 1879-1884 (Greendwood Press, 2000).

China: International boundary and territorial disputes, including Tibet and Xinjiang
Talk by Dr Michael Dillon, August 2007.
Note on narrator: Dr Michael Dillon is Visiting Professor at Tsinghua University in Beijing and was founding Director of the Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies at the University of Durham. He is the author of Contemporary China – An Introduction (Routledge, 2008).

Cyprus: Keeping the Peace in Cyprus’ Buffer Zone
Talk by Brian Kelly on Cyprus, April 2007.
Note on Narrator: Brian Kelly is official spokesperson for the United Nations Peace-Keeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP).

Falkland (Malvinas) Islands: The historical and contemporary dispute over the status of the islands
Talk by Professor Lowell Gustafson, Associate Dean, Villanova University, USA, August 2007.

Ferghana Valley and other Central Asian boundaries
Talk by Dr Nick Megoran, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, November 2008.

Ivory Coast: The conflict and confidence zone
Talk by Gilles Yabi, Senior Analyst for International Crisis Group, October 2007.

Kashmir: The Line of Control and the status of Kashmir
Talk by Victoria Schofield, University of Bradford, June 2007.

Korea: The Korean Demilitarized Zone
Talk by Professor Roland Bleiker, Professor of International Relations at the University of Queensland, Australia, December 2006.

Kosovo: Ethnic division and forced migration
Talk by Minna Jarvenpaa. former UN administrator of Mitrovica, July 2005.

Kuril Islands: The dispute between Japan and USSR / Russia
Talk by Professor Kimie Hara, Renison Research Professor in East Asian Studies,University of Waterloo, Canada, February 2006.

Northern Ireland: The Creation and Impact of the Irish Border
Talk by Dr Eoin Magennis, Queen’s University Belfast, April 2005.

Nagorny Karabakh (Azerbaijan and Armenia)
Talk by Thomas de Waal, April 2005.
Note on narrator: Thomas de Waal is editor and project director of the programme on the Caucasus of the Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR) and the author of Black Garden: Azerbaijan and Armenia through Peace and War (New York University Press, 2004).

West Papua’s Act of Free Choice
Talk by Dr John Saltford on West Papua, May 2007.
Note on Narrator: John Saltford is author of The United Nations and the Indonesian Takeover of West Papua (RoutledgeCurzon, 2003).

Somaliland: The unrecognised state of Somaliland and its relations with Somalia and Puntland
Talk by Dr Michael Walls, University College London, UK, December 2007.

South Ossetia: Its Identity and its Relations with Georgia
Talk by Dr Christian A. Nielsen, University of Arhus, Denmark, October 2008.

Sudan: Demarking the Sudanese Boundary
Talk by Dr Douglas Johnson, March 2007.
Note on Narrator: Douglas Johnson was a member of the Abyei Boundaries Commission and is the author of The Root Causes of Sudan’s Civil Wars (Oxford University Presss, 2003).

Tajikistan and its Making
Talk by Dr Paul Bergne, June 2006.
Note on Narrator: Paul Bergne was a former British ambassador to Uzbekistan and Tajikistan and Research Fellow at the Russian and Eurasian Studies Centre at Oxford Univeristy. He authored The Birth of Tajikistan: National Identity and the Origins of the Republic (I B Tauris & Co Ltd, 2007).

Western Sahara: Lines in the Sand
Talk by Tim Braunholtz, April 2006.
Note on Narrator: Tim Braunholtz is a writer for Sahara Analysis, an online newsletter published by the Western Sahara Campaign UK.